Looking for a company that “gets things done” and delivers results for the federal workforce? Look no further than S2i2 and their recent hire, Kevin Haimovici. Kevin comes to S2i2 as a seasoned program manager with an impressive background managing complex projects for the Army and the Pentagon. Kevin joined the firm to manage the Installation Processing Node (IPN) Resiliency contract at Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)’s Joint Service Provider (JSP). This role, and S2i2’s work at the JSP, supports DISA’s mission at the Pentagon.
The backstory
Kevin’s background includes 20 years in the Army, with 13 years of active duty and 7 years in the reserves. As an information systems operator and analyst, this experience equipped him with the necessary skills and discipline to manage complex projects.
After leaving the Army in 2000, Kevin joined Digital Island and was sent to Europe to work at the data center in Frankfurt, Germany. He also served in the reserves overseas for the 7th Army Reserve Command. While working at the data center, Kevin was offered a position to manage the service desk for the 7th Army Reserve Command, as a federal civil servant, which he accepted.
Kevin’s civil servant career spanned more than 20 years, from May 2002 to September 2022. During this time, Kevin managed the implementation of the U.S. Army smart card authentication in Europe, ran the U.S.Army in Europe, Blackberry program, worked as an security assessor, and managed the information assurance program for 5th Signal Command’s Theater Network Operations & Security Center. After moving to the National Capital Area, Kevin found a new civil service role at the Pentagon, where he managed network defenses at the JSP. His final federal assignment, he served as the cyber security architect for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
Fitting in at S2i2
Kevin’s experience and reputation in the field make him a perfect fit for S2i2. This new career move allows him to leverage his past relationships based on trust and value add to better serve the government’s mission. Kevin is also thrilled to “be back in the fight” at the JSP, only now as a contractor. The excitement is more than the typical new job honeymoon. Kevin views the mission of JSP critical to the defense of the nation. As a former soldier, Kevin knows the importance of clear and concise orders from command. In his own words, “My experience in the Army has made me passionate about ensuring that leaders can communicate and the bad guys cannot get in.” It’s a passion for the mission he shares with his S2i2 colleagues.
Leaving a Mark
Kevin hopes to make his mark with S2i2 by building on the company’s reputation for getting things done. From his perspective, this personal objective should come easily in an organization like S2i2 because it allows employees to take ownership of their work. It’s a “no micromanagement” culture cultivated by Ed Shin, S2i2’s founder and CEO, and one that employees embrace. Kevin’s experience and background will boost S2i2’s drive to become a leader in the federal contracting arena and a reliable partner for the federal workforce.